Sunday, May 13, 2012

New Abode

Left the nest again. Hauled my stuff into the highlands, into a new room on another third floor of a pretty darn old house. It's full of sewing machines, shelves made from old tobacco barns that I cut down with a hacksaw, and craft stuff. It's kind of perfect for me right now. I will be paying rent in sewing and other labor for my friend who is launching her own line of dog couture, you can find Hucci Pucci on facebook.

The last few weeks have been all kinds of hectic. My sister had a baby. More loved ones passed away. Hiking in the Daniel Boone National Forest with my boo-thang. Dented the an RV I was the DD for on Derby, because I was prepared for a smaller RV, not one that was bus sized. Work has been rough... as in not enough shifts or money.

I also won a new bicycle at a bike polo tournament in Lexington, KY called Ladies Army. It's a really nice bike! A Surly Steamroller!!! I met tough ladies from as far as Japan and Poland, and played some awesome games. You can read more about it here on the Louisville Hardcourt Bike Polo blog.

My brain is swirling from all of the information it's been dealing with lately. I'm trying to just slosh through the murk to get to all of the fun stuff, but it's been taxing. I've been completely exhausted by the end of each day. Some mornings, after I wake up, I am still tired. No time to think. Not enough time to do anything. Sensory overload. DESPERATELY NEEDED A QUIET AND MORE PRIVATE SPACE TO MYSELF, and finally I have it.